Basic Things to Consider If You Want to Change Your Logo


When it comes to revamping your website, changing your logo can have a profound impact. However, this decision should not be taken lightly. Even ever-successful Google has conducted a rebranding; its logo update in 2015 was in response to an evolution of its brand identity. Additionally, Pete’s Super Submarines had four subtle logo refreshes since mid-1960s. Side by side, the old logo and new logo are obviously different. Yet they’re close enough to allow us to easily make the transition without having to retrain our brains to recognize the brand.Think of updating your logo as getting a tattoo – it’s a serious commitment that can influence the success of your website. To ensure a smooth transition and maintain brand recognition, consider the following key factors:

Assess the Need for a New Logo

If your sales have declined or your brand awareness efforts seem ineffective, changing your logo might not be the ultimate solution. Take a step back and evaluate your overall marketing strategy before embarking on a logo transformation. It’s crucial to address the root causes of any challenges you’re facing.

Define Clear Goals for the New Logo

Before diving into a logo redesign, establish clear objectives. This will help you avoid wasting time, money, and resources. Additionally, having well-defined goals will ensure that your loyal customers can easily recognize and connect with your new logo. Losing their trust by suddenly changing your visual identity can have detrimental effects on your website’s reputation.

Choose Between Refresh and Redesign

Consider whether your logo needs a complete overhaul or if a refreshing update would suffice. For many companies, a logo refresh or partial rebranding is recommended, especially for medium and large businesses. By preserving the essence of your existing brand and aligning it with current trends, you can strike a balance between familiarity and modernization. Experiment with small changes such as removing elements, adjusting color shades, or rethinking the style while retaining the core form of your logo.

Contextual Analysis

To ensure your logo resonates with your target audience, conduct a thorough analysis of your industry’s common colors, influential trends among competitors, and associations with reputable companies. Consider whether the chosen colors and form align with positive aspects of your current reality or your country’s agenda. Moreover, contemplate where your logo will be displayed beyond your website and social media platforms, such as print materials, billboards, packaging, and emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR).

Create a Mobile-Friendly Logo Variant

In today’s smartphone-dominated world, it’s essential to optimize your logo for mobile devices. People increasingly use their smartphones for work and entertainment, so your logo should be adaptable and visually appealing across different screen sizes. Ensure that your logo design includes smaller and simplified versions that maintain its impact and recognizability on mobile platforms.

Maintain Brand Recognition

While change is necessary, it’s crucial to ensure that your new logo remains identifiable to your audience. Avoid drastic color changes unless you are undertaking a radical rebranding effort. Instead, focus on experimenting with the form, details, or typography while retaining key visual elements that users associate with your brand. Strive for a balance between innovation and familiarity to avoid confusion with competitors.

By considering these key aspects, you can navigate the process of changing your logo successfully. Remember that a well-executed logo transition can invigorate your brand, reinforce customer loyalty, and maintain the trust you have built over the years.

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