A Comparison Between WordPress and Webflow


Many of Bloggers or Website Owners are always wondering between WordPress and Webflow. But do you want to get detail information about the two platforms? Let’s get started!

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular way to build your website or blog. It’s a simple yet powerful website-building platform that’s used by over 42% of sites on the web. And, you don’t need much coding knowledge to create your website.

Note that there are 2 versions of WordPress available: WordPress.org and WordPress.com. When you use WordPress.org, you need to manage the domain and host the site yourself. While the entire website creation is for free.

Talking about WordPress.com, it’s a hosted platform where everything is managed for you. All you need to do is create an account on WordPress, select a subdomain, use the themes, plugins, and keep your content. In this respect, it’s similar to Webflow. (In this article, we’re specifically comparing WordPress.org with Webflow as it allows more power to users than WordPress.com.)

Creating a simple or complex website with WordPress is easy and fun with exciting themes and plugins. What’s more, you’ll get tons of them in the WordPress.org theme repository and plugin directory. 

If you aren’t aware, a theme lets you create and customize an attractive site. While WordPress itself has the basic functions for a site, you can add more features using plugins. Using them lets you add any functionality that you want on your site.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based website builder with a visual web design tool. It provides you with an intuitive interface so you can easily drag and drop the elements on your page. Then, you’re able to customize the site with amazing color, font, and animation options.

And a plus point is that you get to build fully-responsive websites. As you can easily customize the site for different mobile versions side-by-side. Most of the other platforms can’t do that and you may require to use plugins. In Webflow’s case, you don’t.

Moreover, due to the presence of multiple content management tools, this platform is quite popular among professional web designers. That’s why, if you want to build a professional-looking website, then Webflow is the perfect choice for you.

It’s a hosted software that comes as Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. So, you get to select the paid features, upgrades, and hosting services easily in one place.

Furthermore, in Webflow, you can create your account and connect it to your domain name. Also, you get to download your site made on Webflow and rather host it on any other hosting platform.

Webflow Performs Better Than WordPress in Usbility

Both WordPress and Webflow have a visual editor with multiple templates and layout options. Moreover, the default editor of Webflow is simpler to use than WordPress. However, WordPress is more extendable as you can add a page builder that makes it much simpler.

Also, WordPress has a slight learning curve at the beginning. Whereas talking about Webflow, the learning curve can be denoted a little higher here than in WordPress.

But in the end, the winner of this round goes to Webflow. It’s because you won’t have to manage hosting and domain yourself. Also, the default editor itself is easier than that of WordPress.

WordPress Performs Better Than Webflow in Design Options and Template

In WordPress, the content and functionality are kept away from the design options. This makes it a lot more flexible and approachable than Webflow. Also, WordPress provides you with a wider variety of templates. That’s why in the case of the themes and templates, WordPress is better.

While in Webflow, the template options may be comparatively lower than in WordPress. But in terms of design options, Webflow is equally good as WordPress. It’s because of the amazing interactions and animations that it has.

Overall, WordPress is the winner when it comes to both design options and templates.

WordPress Performs Better Than Webflow in SEO

Webflow has lesser SEO options available than WordPress. And you need to work with its settings to manage everything for the SEO.

In the case of WordPress, you can find several free and paid plugins from which you get to add SEO features. And they provide more features and flexibility than in Webflow.

WordPress Offers More Plugins and Add-Ons Than Webflow

WordPress offers free and premium plugins and add-ons to integrate on the site. Also, you get to add third-party tools and applications for more exclusive features.

In contrast, Webflow allows you to add third-party services which are quite less than WordPress. Also, it’s rather difficult to integrate some of the tools in Webflow. For that, you need to follow tutorials on how to connect them to your Webflow project.

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